Because the World Rings were the only things that could stop him? Sounds like a good idea to go after the 1 thing that can stop you if you have god-like powers, if just to prevent other people from getting them.In The Secret Rings, why does Erazor need those World Rings so badly if he has already achieved "god-like" power?.Erazor is capable of manipulating the World of the Arabian Nights to a certain degree, mainly absorbing the words of the book to grow in power or transforming the words of the book into spirits under his control." When the flame is extinguished, the victim will die immediately, even if it's another immortal being. From the wikia : " His most notable ability is the "Flame of Judgment" curse, an arrow of flame that slowly consumes the victim's life force.Thus, Erazor's sword (which is an extension of himself), can hurt him.

They can still hurt each other, but mortal-created means won't do anything. It may also be that Djinn are immune to mortal capabilities.Erazor Djinn claims to be immortal, but maybe he was just referring to his long life. Genies aren't unkillable, they simply live for thousands of years."But the life of the one who gathered the rings must be offered up in sacrifice as the key to that control. Erazor wanted to control the seven World Rings and accidentally slashed Shahra (he planned on killing Sonic instead).How is it that Erazor's sword was able to kill a genie? I thought they were supposed to be immortal.